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Thursday, 1 October 2020

The Breath of Life by Lia Scallon


This poem is Lia’s attempt to articulate the powerful vision she experienced during the recording of  her album ‘Breath of Life’.

Time to leave this body – time to go home……
Eyes heavenward
You feel the breath of life….
Breath of Spirit beckoning
Breath of Spirit waiting to embrace you.
The arms of the Divine Eternal Mother
are open wide to receive you.
She draws you to her bosom
Into the beautiful vastness of the Universal One-ness……
The Universal Allness……
Which is your home.

You feel her fingers touch your heart
As She speaks to you…..
“Give me your pain”, she says
“Give me your sorrow…..
Give me your grief..….
Give me your fear………
I will take it……
Give it to me……
And………come to me……….”

As She speaks to you…..
“Give me your pain”, she says
“Give me your sorrow…..
Give me your grief..….
Give me your fear………
I will take it……
Give it to me……
And………come to me……….”

A wave of energy sweeps through your being
A rush of energy from above.
Surging soft, light energy from the Cosmos
And sweeps you up.
You merge into this wondrous, wave of Light
Absorbed into it
Immersed in it
You know you are home.

Looking down upon the physical body you have left
A feeling of great love floods through you,.
The physical form served you very well
But that is done…..
You belong to the Stars…….
It was but a brief visit – a journey – an exploration.

Your spirit overflows with lightness, joy and love!
Sparks of light fly off you, as you sweep through the universe
Part of…at one with…the Divine Cosmic Source.

Looking earthward again
You see
Other souls
Just like you
Waiting to leave………

You swoop
Like an eagle
Down to the Earth.
Part of the Great Wave of Source
You swoop
Around them ….
Through them….
Picking them up…….
Picking them up………. Bringing them home…….

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